10 Amp Adjustable Roller Lever, Spring Return.
Arm Length 4"
Steel Roller .75" Dia.
OF MAX - 1400g - 3 in. lbs.
RF MIN - 227g - 1/2 lb.
PT MAX - 15° to 20°
OT MIN - 25°
DT MAX - 12°
TF MAX - 2720g - 4 in. lbs.
TT MIN - 43°
Click here for RCL - 302 Oil tight switch diagram
Features -
- UL listed. File E100480
- Wide choice of heads and actuators.
- Captive cover screws.
- Dustproof, Oil Tight, Water-resistant.
- Silver/Gold alloy contacts,
- Double contact design.
- Stainless steel essentials.
- Standard size & dimensions,
- 1/2” conduit entry.
- Temp. range +5 F to +175 F (-15 C to +80 C)
- Hi-Pot Voltage - 2200VAC/minute
- Insulation Resistance - 100 M on 500VDC.
- Contact Arrangement - 2 Circuits: 1 N.O., 1 N.C.
- Max. Operating Frequency -
- 120 mechanical operations per minute;
- 30 electrical (loads) operations per minute.
- Life Test - Mechanical: Ten Million Operations.
- Electrical: 750,000 Operations
- @ 10 Amp. 240VAC.